Partner Alex Menenberg Elected to Bet Tzedek’s Board of Directors
16th October 2023
HKA is excited to announce that Partner Alex Menenberg of our Los Angeles office has been elected to the Board of Directors of Bet Tzedek, an impactful non-profit legal services organization in Los Angeles, CA. Alex has provided many years of service to Bet Tzedek – as a volunteer, a donor, a member of Bet Tzedek’s New Leadership Council (BTNLC), Co-Chair of BTNLC, and an ex-officio Board Member – before his election to the Board of Directors on September 27, 2023.
Speaking on his involvement with Bet Tzedek over the years, Alex said, “I began my journey with Bet Tzedek as a volunteer with the BTNLC in 2016. Since then, I’ve been deeply moved by the unmatched dedication and commitment of Bet Tzedek’s staff, board members, and community of volunteers. Their collective efforts and the profound impact they make on the lives of Bet Tzedek’s clients throughout Los Angeles are what inspire me to continue to support the organization.”
Join HKA in congratulating Alex and commending him for his commitment to serving those in need alongside others in the Los Angeles legal community.
“Their collective efforts and the profound impact they make on the lives of Bet Tzedek’s clients throughout Los Angeles are what inspire me to continue to support the organization.”
Alex Menenberg, Partner

Alex Menenberg, Partner
Alex is a Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Fraud Examiner with 15 years of experience in the field of forensic accounting and business and litigation consulting, including consulting and testifying on economic damages. Alex assists clients with a variety of financial, economic, and accounting-related issues arising out of business disputes and civil litigation, including claims for lost profits, intellectual property infringement, and increased costs.
Alex also has experience performing investigations, including funds tracing analyses and analyses related to financial fraud allegations. He has broad experience working with large datasets and is adept at designing, constructing, and analyzing large databases for use with complex and dynamic financial models. Alex’s clients include corporations in a wide range of industries, including entertainment, financial institutions and services, insurance, consumer electronics, energy, and construction.
Bet Tzedek
Bet Tzedek is a recognized nonprofit force in Los Angeles County that provides justice, stability, and hope to upwards of 100,000 people each year experiencing discrimination, disparities, and exploitation. Based on the central Jewish law and tradition “tzedek, tzedek, tirdof” – “justice, justice you shall pursue,” Bet Tzedek provides legal advocacy grounded in the lived experiences of the communities we serve. Through our network of attorneys and advocates, we provide FREE comprehensive legal services, education, and policy advocacy to low-income individuals and families across Los Angeles County.