Julia Alcarez is a Certified Public Accountant, a Certified Fraud Examiner, and a Certified Management Accountant. She specializes in the investigation and resolution of business disputes, primarily related to government contracts and commercial litigation, and in engagements that require extensive data analysis.
Julia has assisted in calculating and evaluating damages claims ranging from tens of thousands of dollars to over $1 billion, with clients ranging from small, locally owned businesses to defense contractors, municipalities, and Fortune 500 companies.
Julia has provided litigation support for engagements that focus on cost, schedule, and damages analyses, as well as other dispute and compliance related issues, often within the context of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) and the Defense Contract Audit Agency’s (“DCAA”) Contract Audit Manual (“CAM”). She has performed extensive data manipulation and analysis to identify potential fraud, alleged mischarging, and business trends.
Julia has assisted in preparing certified claims, Requests for Equitable Adjustment (“REAs”), and Termination Settlement Proposals (“TSPs”) for prime contractors and subcontractors, as well as analyzing and rebutting DCAA audit reports and government positions. She has also participated in many bid protests, including analyzing cost and pricing issues for intervenors and protestors, preparing affirmative declarations, and rebutting opposing experts’ declarations.
Julia has performed accounting, financial, and economic analyses in a variety of matters, including analysis of damages and lost profits resulting from breach of contract, fraud, and failure to perform; analysis of increased costs and project cost growth related to delay and disruption; accounting system reviews; and termination settlement proposals, among other matters.
Julia Alcarez has assisted in the preparation of expert reports and subsequent expert testimony before the Court of Federal Claims (“CoFC”), the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals, the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (“GAO”), and multiple state and district courts, as well as in arbitration and mediation.
60 E. 42nd Street, Suite 1460
New York, 10165
NY, United States