
Home » Services » Expert Services » Forensic Engineering, Architectural & Technical Expert Services

We draw on a global talent pool of expert witnesses and advisers to match the skills and experience your assignment demands.

When faced with complex technical challenges, you need authoritative, incisive answers.

HKA’s engineering, architectural and technical experts provide that clarity and certainty.

Our high-calibre experts are eminent in their field – many of them world leaders – with experience gained on some of the most complex megaprojects and disputes.



  • Architecture
  • Building Specialisms
  • Building Structures
  • Fire Engineering
  • MEP
  • Project Management / Construction Management


  • Civil Engineering
  • Geotechnical
  • Rail
  • Ports, Harbours and Marine
Energy, Resources & Industrial

Energy, Resources and Industrial

  • Conventional Energy
  • Industrial and Manufacturing
  • Mining, Minerals and Metals
  • Oil and Gas
  • Project Management / Engineering Management
  • Renewable Energy
  • Shipping and Marine
  • Utilities
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment
ESG & Climate Change

Environment and Climate Change

  • Air Quality and Noise
  • Climate
  • Contaminated Land and Emerging Contaminants
  • Energy and Renewables
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
  • Environmental Transaction
  • Flooding and Drainage
  • Impact Assessment
  • Mining Environmental
  • Pollution and Regulatory issues
  • Product Stewardship
  • Radiological Risks
  • Waste and Water
  • Wildlife Protection and Biodiversity
Aviation and Space

Aviation and Space

  • Air Traffic Control and Air Traffic Management
  • Airports, Airfields and Helipads
  • Design, Manufacture, Production, Test and Certification (Initial Airworthiness)
  • Maintenance, Engineering and Continuing Airworthiness
  • Flight and Ground Operations
  • Military and Civil
  • Space-for-Earth
  • Space-for-Space
  • Space Growth and Emerging Markets

Truly comprehensive, our unmatched expertise spans all technical disciplines, market sectors and regions. Whatever the project, wherever in the world, we provide the forensic expertise required to investigate and resolve disputes, and to anticipate and mitigate risk.

Schedule of Technical Expertise

How we can help

HKA draws on a global talent pool, matching skills and experience to the demands of your assignment.

Our network of forensic technical expert witnesses, more than 500 strong, is also global in scope, with subject matter experts in more than 180 specialist areas.

Our track record encapsulates just about every aspect of construction and engineering, and ranges from energy and industrial projects to aviation, and from IT and digital forensics to climate change and ESG (environmental, social and governance).

HKA expert witnesses and expert advisors cover all technical fields in the engineering and construction industry, including but not limited to: architectural and building services engineering (MEP); fire engineering; project and engineering management; civil and structural engineering; geotechnical engineering; mechanical and electrical engineering systems; industrial and process engineering; onshore and offshore oil and gas engineering; marine; metallurgy and materials; health and safety; mining minerals and metals; aviation; environment and climate change; IT, cyber and technology; BIM, 3D modelling and data analytics.

What we do

HKA forensic technical specialists provide expert advisory, expert determination and expert witness services.

Depending on the assignment, they act as sole experts, within a specialised technical team, or collaborate with our other experts in complementary disciplines such as quantum, delay, forensic accounting and commercial damages. HKA is uniquely placed to provide this seamless, multi-expert dispute resolution service. We call this capability QED+.

Our experts work closely with your legal and technical teams, identifying the strengths and weakness of positions, making a definitive analysis of the facts, and producing a clear and cogent opinion. Their contribution informs legal arguments so that clients and dispute panels can firmly grasp the truth of the situation, no matter how complicated, and the full impact of events.

As well as preparing expert reports, our assignments often involve meeting with opposing experts, rebuttal analysis, and oral testimony.

The matters we investigate

Much of our work involves distressed projects or disputes where our forensic experts are appointed as advisers, party-appointed experts, single joint experts, and expert witnesses. We also provide expert determination and assist arbitral tribunals.

The range of matters we investigate is wide, and includes:

  • Liability
  • Design responsibility
  • Client scope
  • Performance issues
  • Risk
  • Professional responsibility
  • Design duties
  • Contractor duties
  • Material failure
  • Delay factors

Enhancing client service

In addition to retaining experts who are leading authorities in their disciplines, HKA is committed to the highest standard of client service.

Our people complement their professional qualifications and accreditations with expert witness training as part of our continuous professional development programme. They also have the support of our experienced technical assistant experts and non-technical expert support staff, who are based at our offices worldwide. Our global team boasts fluency in more than 30 of the world’s most spoken languages.


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