Dr Kourosh Kayvani is a Chartered Professional Engineer with over 30 years of experience. He has been appointed as a technical expert, and supported the named expert, on numerous occasions.
Dr Kourosh Kayvani has “a strong grasp of complex technical issues”, which he draws upon to “communicate eloquently and clearly for clients”.
Lexology Index – Australia and New Zealand – Construction
Kourosh has been cross-examined in litigation and has delivered expert reports for disputed projects and structural failures in steel structures, long-span roofs, industrial processes and infrastructure.
Kourosh’s experience spans academia, expert advisory, expert witness roles, and engineering practise. He has played leading roles in the design and delivery of many innovative, complex, and award-winning projects across Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the UK, the Middle East, and Africa. His project portfolio includes Wembley Stadium in London, West Kowloon Terminus in Hong Kong, 5 Martin Place commercial tower and CommBank Stadium in Sydney, ANSTO OPAL nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights near Sydney, and Melbourne Star Observation Wheel, amongst many others.
Kourosh’s expertise involves structural analysis, design and construction engineering of sports stadia, tall buildings, cable-supported structures and bridges, long-span roofs, telecommunication towers, and impact-resistant and vibration sensitive facilities. He has specialised experience in finite element analysis (FEA), wind engineering, aseismic design, fatigue assessment, and development of design codes and standards.
Kourosh is a Fellow, and board director, of Engineers Australia, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, an Adjunct Professor at the University of Sydney’s School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and a board director at the Australian Steel Institute. He has received numerous awards and plaudits for his structural engineering prowess, with particular emphasis on his contribution to long-span structures worldwide. Kourosh has also served as member of Standards Australia’s code committees for concrete structures (AS3600) and wind loads (AS1170.2) for many years.
Dr Kourosh Kayvani is a highly regarded expert lauded for his “ability to succinctly and convincingly convey complex concepts” when handling transport disputes.
Suite 1001, Level 10
309 Kent Street
Sydney, NSW 2000