
Neil McDonald


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Expert Information
Qualifications HNC Heating & Ventilating Technology
BEng (Hons) Engineering with Building Services
Professional Memberships MCIBSE, MoSPHE
Industries Buildings, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Real Estate and Tourism, Sports and Entertainment
Regional Experience Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania
Expert Highlights
  • Widely experienced mechanical building services engineer.
  • Proven as a credible expert under cross-examination.
  • Provides expert opinion regarding mechanical services and plumbing matters.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of design, procurement and construction.
  • Acted as expert for project values in excess of £1 billion and disputed sums of up to £140 million.

Neil McDonald is a Chartered Building Services Engineer with over 30 years of buildings and property experience. He has been appointed as a technical expert on numerous occasions.

As a mechanical engineer by trade, Neil is a very strong construction witness expert. He is very knowledgeable and grasps issues quickly.

Lexology Index – Construction

Neil has been cross-examined at a court hearing in the Technology and Construction Court, London and has been cross examined at arbitration hearings in Australia and Austria. He has acted as both individual expert witness and as part of a multi-disciplinary team of experts on large, complex disputes.

Neil has a comprehensive understanding of the design, procurement and construction process for a variety of building types ranging from healthcare and education to retail and commercial property. He advises clients in relation to disputes involving mechanical building services and plumbing issues.

Before joining HKA in 2016, Neil worked in building services consultancy. He is experienced in demolition, refurbishment and new build projects at all stages of the project lifecycle; from early briefing and development through to construction, commissioning and handover.

Neil McDonald is a member of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers and the Society of Public Health Engineers. He holds a degree in engineering with building services and an HNC in heating and ventilation technology.

Neil McDonald is a seasoned practitioner with experience in the full life cycle of the construction process for a range of building types, including healthcare, retail and commercial.

Contact Neil
Location: 220 St Vincent Street
Glasgow, G2 5SG
United Kingdom

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