
Patrick Hebreard


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Energy - Global Elite Thought Leader
Arbitration - Global Elite Thought Leader
France - Arbitration - Thought Leader
Commercial Litigation
Consulting - Financial Advisory and Valuation - Quantum of Damages
Expert Information
Qualifications MSc Engineering
MSc Arbitration
MSc Marketing Intelligence
Professional Memberships AIEN, CFA, CEA, EAC
Industries Oil and Gas, Power and Utilities
Regional Experience Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East
Expert Highlights
  • 20 years of energy sector experience.
  • Proven as a credible expert witness under cross-examination in arbitrations.
  • Experienced damages expert.
  • Expertise in energy industry matters.
  • Acted as expert for damages disputes with claims in excess of $1 billion.
  • Recognised as a Global Elite Thought Leader by Lexology Index.
  • Tri-lingual in English, French and Spanish.

Patrick Hebreard has over 20 years of experience in the energy industry. He has been appointed as an expert regarding quantum of damages and industry standard issues on more than 20 occasions.

Patrick is one of the world’s leading experts on energy and gas disputes. He is smart, organised and pragmatic. He is super smart, personable and very convincing. 

Lexology Index – Arbitration – Global Elite Thought Leader

Patrick specialises in international arbitrations and has been cross-examined on numerous occasions, including giving concurrent evidence (hot-tubbing). He has acted as expert in many energy contract and energy infrastructure related cases for clients across Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and South America where damages claimed exceeded $1 billion.

Patrick has significant experience of the gas, LNG, and power markets. He has negotiated multiple long-term supply and purchase, transportation, and tolling agreements. Having acted as buyer, seller, producer, shipper, regasification capacity holder, pipeline operator and shareholder, he enjoys a broad and unique perspective on the commercial, contractual, regulatory, and financial issues to be considered. In addition to his activity as expert witness, Patrick advises companies on economic, commercial, regulatory, and strategic issues along the gas, LNG, and power value chain (upstream, midstream, and downstream shareholders’ disputes­).

Patrick is a commercial damages expert. He also acts as energy industry expert providing opinion on industry practice and market standards regarding contracts and project development, notably in relation to supply contracts, transportation matters, market dynamics and infrastructure development.

Patrick is a member of the Association of International Energy Negotiators, Comité Français de l’Arbitrage, Club Español del Arbitraje, and the Energy Arbitration Club. He is a trained engineer with a Master of Science, specialized in energy and aeronautics and holds master’s degrees in arbitration law and marketing. Patrick is fluent and works in English, French and Spanish.

Patrick Hebreard enjoys a fantastic reputation in the market thanks to his longstanding experience as a damages expert in complex energy projects across the globe.

Contact Patrick
Location: 87 Avenue Kléber
Paris, 75116

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