
ED&I in action

ED&I in action

About the cause

Equality, diversity and inclusion at HKA means involving all colleagues in all opportunities and activities, granting everyone a fair chance to succeed, while bringing all types of people to all facets of our business.

We want to help promote this culture beyond our own business, which is why we have shown our support for the following causes.

International Women's Day 2023

International Women's Day is a globally recognised day promoting equality for women in all aspects of life. The 2023 theme was #EmbraceEquity.

What we did

HKA celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and girls around the world on International Women’s Day 2023. At HKA, we’re actively playing a part to achieve gender parity in our business, and we’re getting behind the global effort to #EmbraceEquity.

To celebrate #IWD2023, HKA’s global leadership team and colleagues came together to discuss some important issues surrounding gender representation and the United Nations’ ambition to achieve gender parity. You can listen here: Celebrating International Women’s Day 2023 #EmbraceEquity – HKA

With the UN’s Sustainability Goals in mind and their IWD theme for 2023 (DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality), we interviewed Sarah Keyte, Associate Technical Director: International Women’s Day 2023: A Conversation with Sarah Keyte, HKA’s BIM & Digital Lead – HKA

Hear what colleagues had to say: #EmbraceEquity – HKA colleagues celebrate International Women’s Day 2023 – HKA


The 2022 theme was #BreaktheBias. We asked colleagues from around the world about bias and what can be done by individuals and industries to overcome it.

Read what they said at Celebrating International Women’s Day 2022 – HKA.

HKA also donated to Woman Kind to help end the violence against women and girls.


HKA signs the pledge to support Soldier On

Soldier On is an Australian not-for-profit veteran support organisation delivering a range of services to enable serving and ex-serving veterans and their families to thrive. Soldier On runs a Pathways Program which supports veterans throughout their career transition from the Australian Defence Force to help them secure long-term meaningful employment.

What we did

By signing the Soldier On Pledge, HKA is making a commitment to provide veteran-supportive recruitment, retention, training and workplace culture.


Gender Equality in Sport

HKA are proud to sponsor and support gender equality, recognising the importance of sport for both boys and girls around the world.

What we did

Dubai Colleges UAE founded its first U18 girls’ rugby team, who participated in the world’s largest youth rugby tournament at Rosslyn Park. HKA sponsored the U18 girls rugby team with a new touring kit. HKA and law firm DLA Piper also spoke at careers evenings at school, bringing awareness to gender balance and inclusion to the youth at grass roots.

The Dubai Hurricanes is a not-for-profit organisation that we provides rugby and netball for players aged 3 to over 50+ in the United Arab Emirates. Partner and Head of Asia, Ben Highfield, played an important role in recognising the importance of encouraging girls to play and progress in rugby. Ben awarded the most improved players for the Under 12’s in the 2020/21 Rugby Season.

Dubai Irish Football Club is the biggest and oldest amateur football club in the UAE, with teams for young children to adults of all genders. HKA was proud to sponsor Dubai Irish Football Club and recognising the importance of sport for both boys and girls in the region.


Cultural awareness training

Mirri Mirri is an Aboriginal-owned company helping all Australians improve their understanding and awareness of our Indigenous cultures. Paul Sinclair, a Director at Mirri Mirri, facilitated cultural awareness training for HKA colleagues and clients.

What we did

Oceania colleagues invited clients from Transport for NSW’s Westconnex 3B Rozelle interchange team to join them for cultural awareness training. Paul led an engaging session that helped us better understand Indigenous cultures and how we can build more effective relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.


Reconciliation Action Plan

Australia is on a mission to make amends with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the injustices they faced during colonisation. National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week are two important weeks on Australia's reconciliation calendar. National Reconciliation Week marks the 1967 referendum when Aboriginal people were included on the census, and the Mabo decision, which acknowledged the traditional rights of Indigenous people to their land and waters and paved the way for Native Title in Australia. NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

What we did

At HKA we are embarking on our reconciliation journey and our RAP symbolises the first steps we will be taking to achieve our reconciliation goals. We acknowledge that this is just the start of our journey and we look forward to growing as we advance along the path that is now set.

Our Reflect RAP sets HKA’s commitment to establishing measurable objectives that will help us to progress along the path of reconciliation. As an initiation task, we have assigned responsibility for the development of this Reflect RAP to a sub-set of the ED&I Working Group in order to share roles and responsibilities relating to advocacy and influence, and to provide the impetus needed to support the development of our Innovate RAP.

View our RAP Reflect 2021 – 2022

The RAP group organised a series of cultural walking tours for colleagues in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne to recognise National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week. The purpose was to increase our awareness and understanding of the connections that First Nations peoples have with the land, sky and sea.

Read more about the cultural walks.


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