Australia is on a mission to make amends with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the injustices they faced during colonisation. National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week are two important weeks on Australia's reconciliation calendar.
National Reconciliation Week marks the 1967 referendum when Aboriginal people were included on the census, and the Mabo decision, which acknowledged the traditional rights of Indigenous people to their land and waters and paved the way for Native Title in Australia.
NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
What we did
At HKA we are embarking on our reconciliation journey and our RAP symbolises the first steps we will be taking to achieve our reconciliation goals. We acknowledge that this is just the start of our journey and we look forward to growing as we advance along the path that is now set.
Our Reflect RAP sets HKA’s commitment to establishing measurable objectives that will help us to progress along the path of reconciliation. As an initiation task, we have assigned responsibility for the development of this Reflect RAP to a sub-set of the ED&I Working Group in order to share roles and responsibilities relating to advocacy and influence, and to provide the impetus needed to support the development of our Innovate RAP.
View our RAP Reflect 2021 – 2022
The RAP group organised a series of cultural walking tours for colleagues in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne to recognise National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week. The purpose was to increase our awareness and understanding of the connections that First Nations peoples have with the land, sky and sea.
Read more about the cultural walks.