
Great Western Highway Widening

Victoria, Australia


Upgrade works to the principal road trade link between Melbourne and Adelaide

Construction of a dual carriageway four-lane road and a bypass to the south of the Trawalla township. The project connects the towns of Ballarat and Trawalla and is a major part of the broader Great Western Highway upgrade programme. The Western Highway is the principal road link between Melbourne and Adelaide, facilitating interstate trade and transport support to the western district’s farming and manufacturing industries.


Instructed by Corrs Chambers Westgarth as delay expert witness in arbitration proceedings.

What we did

Forensic analysis of extensive contemporaneous civil engineering project records. Identification of the actual critical path of the two projects and the contribution of the weather and other causes of delay.

Subsequently produced an expert report on delays relating to the extensive civil engineering works.


The report contributed to a successful outcome.

"[Ms MacLaughlin]’s report was detailed, thorough and meticulous. The delay issues were complicated and her report addressed the matters in a reasoned and methodical way.

The matter proceeded to hearing and Ms MacLaughlin was cross-examined at some length. Her performance as a witness was excellent. She demonstrated a remarkable knowledge of both the nuances of the issues and the detailed factual matters. She presented as a poised, professional and thoroughly capable witness."
Jeffery Glesson QC
Isaacs Chambers
Project Details
  • Client
    John Holland
  • Year
    2015 - 2016
  • Value
    US$ 116 million




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