
UNSW Capital Projects Sustainability Framework



UNSW developed a 2025 Strategy which guides the actions and decision-making to create accessible and environmentally sustainable campuses in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

To support the Strategy, UNSW has also developed a 20-year Masterplan and Environmental Sustainability Plan (ESP) 2019-21, which outline the path to best practice in environmental sustainability supported by a holistic vision for outstanding campuses. Even with these key documents in place, UNSW still needed a way to provide guidance to project teams and suppliers across a range of project types, which would ensure consistency across the portfolio, while still allowing the flexibility for each team to respond appropriately based on its specific project requirements and opportunities.

What we did

HKA was engaged to create and deliver the Capital Works Sustainability Framework. Intended to provide alignment between the UNSW and Estate Management vision and mission statements, the 2025 Strategy and the ESP 2019-21, the Framework articulates the role and potential of the built environment in delivering ‘the vision of becoming Australia’s global university, improving and transforming lives through excellence in research, outstanding education and a commitment to advancing a just society’.


We developed the Capital Works Sustainability Framework for UNSW. It provides guidance on an approach for project teams to take in the design and delivery of fitouts, refurbishments, new buildings and infrastructure, in a way that is specific to UNSW, and is an expression of the unique character and history of its campuses.

Supporting this Framework is a suite of templates for use in preparing briefs and contracts and reporting on project progress with regard to sustainable and regenerative design outcomes. It has also informed UNSW’s Design and Construction Standards, ensuring that the detail of the implementation is powerfully connected to and a direct expression of the UNSW vision.

The Capital Projects Sustainability Framework:

  • Provides clarity around expectations and outcomes, setting out the process and structure to deliver success for various project types, and for the campus system as a whole
  • Was developed in a way which allows for flexibility to choose what is appropriate in different settings, and for each project type
  • Addresses emergent trends and standards in the sustainable built environment sector, including restorative and regenerative practice, and the increased focus on wellbeing
  • Integrates with UNSW’s project processes and other requirements
  • Establishes the technical requirements for sustainability for UNSW capital projects.

View the UNSW Capital Projects Sustainability Framework

Project Details
  • Client
    University of New South Wales
  • Year




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