
Rail Rehabilitation Scheme

Bucharest to Brasov line, Romania


Campina to Predeal TEN-T rail infrastructure rehabilitation programme

Awarded in 2007, the rail rehabilitation works included execution of earth and track works, including the renovation and new construction of stations and stops, the execution of slope protections and drainage structures, as well as of watercourse constructions. The contract stipulated partial track closures to ensure the TEN-T pan European rail corridor was maintained.


Independent expert opinion on the causes of critical delay to the Campina to Predeal Lot 1 rail rehabilitation works.

What we did

Detailed analysis of project critical path and delays to numerous track closures on operational railway (to maintain corridor) during extensive rehabilitation works to the existing rail infrastructure; in order to establish the extend of owner and contractor delays.


Expert evidence in ICC arbitral proceedings utilising visualisations to convey complex claim issues in a presentation to the Arbitrator.

Explore HKA’s schedule of technical rail experts.

"Records only tell you what you did do and were able to do, they don’t tell you what you could have achieved if certain issues didn’t occur and that is what I’ve been asked to opine on."
Wendy MacLaughlin
HKA Senior Vice President
Project Details
  • Client
    PORR GmbH
  • Year
    2011 - 2016
  • Value
    US$ 314 million




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